Sunday, March 3, 2013

Health is beauty

(I do apologize for the crappy resolution. The battery of my camera decided to turn on me as it showed the sign of low battery.)
When it comes to beauty, one also has to take into consideration of keeping the skin healthy too. One can buy all the makeup and topical solution to cover up flaws and blemishes but it always pays to take care of our skin by eating healthy, exercising and taking necessary vitamins too of course. 

These are two more items that we recieved from mom. First one is Nature Made Vitamin C.

Another item we got was the Green Pasture Blue Ice Permented Cod Liver Oil (Non-Gelatin Capsule).

As posted on their website:

Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your best choice for cartilage fish oil. Skate liver oil is complete in its offering of many nutrients in a similar balance as cod liver oil. Unlike shark liver oil, skate liver oil is abundant in vitamins A, D, E, K, the full range of omega fatty acides, plus all the unique nutrients found in shark liver oil such as chondroitin, squalene, and alkoxglycerols.

This is good for your skin. 

So, keep your health in good condition. People with great skin also deserve kudos for keeping it that way. One can come far with great skin. As another tip for taking care of your skin, do use lotion with high spf as you want to prevent your skin from prematuring too.

Do add your own sentiments if you are using something I have yet to try. :)


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